Tuesday, August 23, 2011

There's a Hippo in the House!

      Coming from a background of animal lovers and growing up with numerous cats, dogs a horse , a goat and countless wild critters I always knew my life would be surrounded by animals. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be sleeping with a pig! But an incredible creature invaded our lives , stole my heart and bed and made me eat a little humble pie.!

    It all started July 3 2009, the day before my birthday. I happened to be driving by a local livestock auction. A place where local farmers buy and sell livestock and various wares and the place where I rescued my small herd of goats destined I am sure for someones plate.

    Being a Friday the auction was bustling with activity. It was a place I tried to avoid after spending thousands in vet bills from my prior rescues. But still something inexplicable drew me there that day. As I made my way through the barn to where the smaller animals are held. There I came across a pen of Pot Bellied Pigs. There were 2 adults and 3 piglets. The piglets were crammed into a crate that definitely wasn't appropriate for them and there little feet were getting caught in wire bottom of the cage.

    As I stood there a couple had approached the same pen and started discussing whether they were going to try and get one. I asked them about what they knew about their care and what they were like as pets. Needless to say I got a crash course on PBP. In retrospect probably not the best advice. They had owned one before and adored him, by the end of the conversation I was ready to take one home. They had mentioned not to get a male because they "hump everything". I quickly registered for a auction number, hopped in my vehicle raced home to pick up a crate.

    I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. I did know that they could grow quite large but having the barn and a paddock I knew no matter what size she got she would always have a place here. The piglets were shuffled out first terrified and confused. The bidding started at 5 dollars. After some anxious minutes of bidding I managed to win the bid at a mere 25.00.

    For the cost of a decent meal I came home with with a squealing, squirming bundle, wondering how in the world I was going to explain this to those who have forbidden me to bring home any more animals. I really hadn't thought out any of that yet. My first concern was getting her home and figuring out where to put her when I got her home. I whisked her out of the cage she was in to the back of my van where a carrier was waiting with blankets.

    The drive home seemed to take hours although it wasn't more than 20 min. The entire time I didn't hear a peep from her while my mind raced with the where, why and how I was going to pull this whole thing off.  I arrived home and hurriedly hauled the carrier up the few steps to my room where Shane was still sleeping, waking him with the sound of me grunting and stumbling through the door with a bulky crate I could barely lift. The only explanation I could come up with as I had plunked the crate down on the floor and opened the door "Tomorrow is my birthday, and she needed a home, and she can be litter trained, they said she could eat dog food, and... and... "  ... sigh ....  I looked at her adorable face and crooned" isn't she the cutest thing you have ever seen in your life!" Yep I was smitten! All I got in reply was a hesitant "uh huh" then a long painful silence as he observed her rooting around the room.  Then finally " She is kinda cute"  Whew we have a chance! Little did either of us know that the special relationship they would eventually form was more than I could have dreamed!

    I quickly got a bowl of water and a handful of dog food and placed at the entrance to the crates open door to try and entice her out. True to her porcine nature she cautiously moved toward the door, verified there was indeed food and proceeded to gobble up every last crumb! She was clearly enjoying it smacking her lips and making some of the most obnoxious noises you will ever hear. It was clear she was savouring every last morsel..
As the little piglet investigated intensely the floors, carpets, and various dog toys. Occasionally finding the odd crumb here or there that the dogs had overlooked. I was shocked at her eating habits chewing loudly and smacking her lips as if she was chewing on a giant piece of bubble gum! Grunting , snorting, snuffing and snooting every square inch of the room.
I watched as she was investigating and it occurred to me that she looked like a tiny hippo! She was the cutest thing I had ever seen!

Yep I was in LOVE!


  1. Awesome share, thank you Tracey!!!!!! Blessings

  2. I am sooo envious of you :)) you are living my dream. I wish I could have one in my house, unfortunately I don't have a barn..
